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Submitted by: Mr.Andrew Caxton
Garden tractors have been in use for almost a hundred years, and make taking care of large lawns a snap. But accidents do happen, so make sure you use the right tractor for the job.
If you have a large front or back yard, chances are you’ll use a riding mower to do the mowing. These mowers are certainly a boon, but you have to treat them carefully. Like any other piece of equipment, you’ll need to do some research to ensure that it is just enough for your needs – not too small to do the job you need it for efficiently, but not too powerful either.
Regardless of what type of mower (otherwise known as a garden ttractor) you use, always think of safety first. Do not use your tractor if there are children about – or if they suddenly turn up. No matter what their age, it’s possible that they’ll get behind the tractor at an inopportune time and be run over should the tractor start rolling backwards. (Currently the blade of a tractor does not stop turning if a mower starts rolling backwards.) Don’t let children play on or near a tractor even when its safely turned off.
The larger the tractor you have, the larger the center of gravity…and the easier it will be to tip over if used carelessly, or on too steep a grade of hill. If your property is hilly it is imperative that you purchase a low-center-of-gravity mower to prevent this from happening. In this day and age when cell phones are relatively inexpensive, it’s always a good idea to carry the phone with you in case of emergencies.
That’s not to say that every time you get on a garden tractor you’re riding into danger. Far from it. Of all the people who use riding mowers and lawn tractors in a year, only an average of 75 people die or are seriously injured in accident, and these will invariably be people who have hilly lawns or lawns with steep grades. So it’s always best to be prepared, and its simply common sense to use the right tractor for the job.
Garden Tractors – the beginning
The early garden tractors were powered by steam engine, with the diesel engine going into use just before WWI. With the loss of so many men to the Armed Forces, these tractors were a lifesaver for the farmers left behind to work the fields.
Choosing your garden mower or tractor
Choose your mower or tractor carefully. If your yard is large, but not that large, there’s no need to get a humongous piece of equipment.
If your terrain is hilly, make sure you get a riding mower with enough horsepower to get up those hills. But again, make sure that it has a low center of gravity, and don’t allow young children or careless teens to operate such a mower on extremely steep slopes.
Be safe
Check your tractor regularly to make sure it is in good working condition.
Use the tractor for what it was designed for, and nothing else.
Don’t get distracted. Always pay attention to what you are doing, and to your surroundings.
Never ride with passengers. If your kids use the tractor ingrain it into them that they must not try to give rides to their friends or to “show off.”
Always use the hand brakes after stopping your tractor, and if it is on any kind of a slope make sure you put chocks under the front wheels to prevent it from rolling backward. Best of all, of course – never stop it on a slope of any kind.
Fuel Saving Tips
Change the fuel filters on a regular basis.
Have your tractor serviced on a regular basis.
Clean or change air filters regularly.
About the Author: Andrew Caxton is a journalist who writes newsletters on lawnmowers for http://www.lawn-mowers-and-garden-tractors.com . You can find more information and resources on
garden tractors
at his website.
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